The Department of Finance and Cooperative Management has a long history of providing students with the highest standard of education. For the past five years our Department has been the top choice of study for new students joining National Taipei University and we recruit students from the top 4.5 percentile of high school graduates. Therefore, we strive to train our students professionally and provide a wide choice of options regarding future career paths. Our goal is to develop our students' professional knowledge in finance, while also providing them with the personal moral values and characteristics that are in high demand by industries around the world.
The curriculum of the department is not only based on providing the needed financial theory for industries but also updating along with current developments in the financial world. Our faculty continuously innovates the curriculum for students by adjusting course material to better meet changes in technology and the world-wide financial sector. Our fluid curriculum also allows students to become more competitive in the global business environment by having the advantage of understanding developing trends and current financial practices. We also provide students with course material that imparts in-depth knowledge of financial products and the implementation of financial policies.
The department provides numerous opportunities for theory to be applied in the real world. We host multiple financial seminars and conferences with guest lecturers, both domestic and international. We also recruit part-time experts from industrial fields, allowing students to explore and to understand financial tools in both domestic and international industries. To achieve the best academic results for our students, we offer several different lecture styles including: seminars, business visits, and lectures hosted by industry experts. We are partners with many domestic and international financial institutions and leading accounting firms, which provides numerous opportunities for student internships.
Students in the Department of Finance and Cooperative Management learn core academic concepts related to finance, statistics, and economics. Furthermore, our department is the only Finance Department offering students the opportunity to study cooperative economics, which provides training in moral ethics and creates numerous opportunities to study non-profit organizations, social enterprises, financial ethics, and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
We continue to produce quality researchers, who have the expert analytical capabilities required for the critical fields of study in finance. We strive to train students who will excel as managers in profit-oriented enterprises, cooperatives, non-profit organizations, and social enterprises. Our focus on providing professional academic knowledge, corporate social responsibility, and real world experience allows our students to shorten the gap between academic theory and practical industry use thus broadening their potential future careers. Ultimately, our graduates help effectively improve domestic and international business efficiency.
2019 Chi-Jui Huang 榮獲108年度產學合作績優獎
2017 Chi-Jui Huang 榮獲國立臺北大學104學年度教學績優教師
2017 Hsiang-Lin Chih 榮獲國立臺北大學104學年度教學績優教師
2017 Yi-Cheng Shih 榮獲教卓計畫績優教師
2016 Chang Chan 榮獲台北大學教學績優獎
2016 Chia-Wu Lu 榮獲國立臺北大學105學年度績優導師
2015 Chi-Jui Huang 榮獲103學年度教學優良教師
2015 Hsiang-Lin Chih 榮獲104年推動教育部教學卓越計畫績優教師
2015 Shu-Ling Chen 榮獲104年推動教育部教學卓越計畫績優教師
2020 Chang Chan 指導余靖勝研究生榮獲崇越論文大賞競賽榮獲管理論文碩士組「優良論文
2019 Chang Chan 指導張仲豪研究生榮獲 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會「108年度碩
2019 Hsiang-Lin Chih 第九屆「聯電經營管理論文獎」優等獎
2019 Chia-Wu Lu 榮獲108年度學術研究獎助
2019 Chang Chan 榮獲108年度學術研究獎助
2019 Wen-Chyan Ke 榮獲108年度學術研究獎助
2019 Chi-Jui Huang 榮獲108年度學術研究獎助
2019 Chen-Ling Fang 榮獲108年度學術研究獎助
2018 Chia-Wu Lu 榮獲107年度學術研究獎助
2018 Chang Chan 榮獲科技部大專生研究創作獎指導教授獎
2018 Chang Chan 榮獲科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎
2018 Chang Chan 榮獲台灣企業永續學院(TACS)2018 CSR 學術論文指導教授獎
2018 Chi-Jui Huang 指導黃焜烽研究生榮獲崇越論文大賞管理論文「優良論文獎」
2017 Chang Chan 榮獲科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎
2016 Chi-Jui Huang 指導謝宛庭研究生榮獲崇越論文大賞管理論文「優良論文獎」
2016 Chang Chan 榮獲台北大學學術研究獎
2016 Chang Chan 榮獲中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會金椽獎小論文組甲等獎
2016 Chang Chan 榮獲教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫分項計畫主持人績效優良獎
2016 Chang Chan 榮獲科技部大專生研究創作獎指導教授獎
2016 Chia-Wu Lu 榮獲105年度學術研究獎助
2015 Chang Chan 榮獲台北大學學術研究獎
2015 Chang Chan 榮獲聯電經營管理論文獎傑出獎
2015 Chia-Wu Lu 榮獲104年度學術研究獎助
2020 余靖勝 (碩) 崇越論文大賞競賽榮獲管理論文碩士組「優良論文獎」,
2020 黃浩庭 (學) 「2019創新影響力商業模式競賽」晉級總決賽並榮獲最佳團體精神獎!!!
2020 陳華偉 (學) 「2019創新影響力商業模式競賽」晉級總決賽並榮獲最佳團體精神獎!!
2020 陳華偉 (學) 資策會產業情報研究所(MIC)舉辦「決策未來產業分析研習營」榮獲第一
2019 周漢威 (碩) 榮獲日盛黑客松金融科技競賽 銀行組第一名
2019 張仲豪 (碩) 榮獲 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會「108年度碩士論文佳作」
2019 進修學士班 榮獲 證基會舉辦"情境模擬實務研習營"團體組專題報告 第一名!
2018 黃焜烽 (碩) 榮獲第十一屆崇越論文大賞「管理論文碩士班」優良論文獎
2018 張仲豪 (碩) 榮獲台灣企業永續學院(TACS) CSR學術論文獎
2018 黃照鈜 (碩) 榮獲台灣企業永續學院(TACS) CSR學術論文獎
2018 郭育齊 (學) 榮獲科技部大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎
2017 林芊汝、陳姿穎、郭巧文 (學) 榮獲TBSA創業企劃第一名
2017 陳奕宏 (碩) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 1)
2017 吳奕辰 (碩) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 1)
2016 黃羽宏 (碩) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 1)
2016 陳林楷 (碩) 榮獲"104學年度博碩士期貨與選擇權論文獎"
2016 謝宛婷 (碩) 榮獲第九屆崇越論文大賞 「企業管理組」優等論文獎
2016 楊琇茜 (學) 在pwc的CSR校園種子研習營活動獲得歐萊德組提案優勝
2016 林勁廷 (學) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 2)
2016 江存瀚 (學) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 2)
2016 劉賀民 (學) 榮獲科技部大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎
郭育齊 (學) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 1)
邱健嘉 (學) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 1)
王弘易 (學) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 1)
葉春頡 (學) 通過 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA level 1)
張家齊 (學) 通過 Financial Risk Manager (FRM)
We provide 4 laptops, 2 printers, 1 photocopier, 10 tablets, 1 large touch panel, and camera…..and so on for faculty and student use.
Each faculty has about 20-26 square meters of independent office that be equipped with at least one computer, printer, and laptop etc.
We offer literary, student club room, and student study room for undergraduate. -
Two seminar rooms and computers are available for graduate students to use.
FCM also provide department library, conference room, and seminar room are available for factuly and students to use.
FCM Conference Room
FCM Seminar Room
Department Library