
  • The department has committed to developing and maintaining close relationships with No-profit organizations and alumnus. Therefore, we get the sponsorship of scholarship from non-profit organizations and alumnus for a long time.

  • We also provide scholarship to reward excellent students who get international licenses in financial fields.

  • Of course, the department also provide the opportunity to serve as an administrative assistant.
  •  Scholarship from college of business

廖珮岑 (學) 商學院菁萃學習獎助學金

葉家宏 (學) 商學院菁萃學習獎助學金

林曉妍 (進) 元大清寒優秀人才獎學金

◆黃進豐系友獎勵學測成績優異學生    黃進豐系友獎勵當年度考取考高普考(公職考試)學生